My first Blogger Tips and Tricks post received such a positive response that, I have decided to make this a monthly feature. I know sometimes HTML codes and blogging, in general, can make you feel like you’ve just taken a trip in the Tardis..but my wish is to make it as simple as possible for you. Update: I noticed when copying the code from this post the quotes are fancy and can mess with code. Please replace them before using code. 1. Placing Images Side by Side on my Blog. This is a simple way to place them side by side. Access the HTML side of your post and type the following code: <table> <tbody> <tr> <img alt=”” src=”image url image 1″ width=”180″ /> <img alt=”” src=”image url image 2″ width= “180” /> </tr> </tbody> </table> In the highlighted blue area you will need to place the web-hosted URL of your image. You can use Photobucket (this ...